Welcome to Kökar!

~ Where the smooth rock meets the ocean ~

Welcome to Sandvik
Harbour & Camping

~ Where the smooth rock meets the ocean ~

What are your plans for the summer? Come and visit Kökar!

Rent a small cottage from us or put up your tent in our campsite and enjoy the beautiful nature in Kökar! Or come with your boat or your camper van! Our services (toilets, showers, kitchen facilities) are free to use for all our guests. We also have a shop and opportunity to buy fuel. You can rent bicycles, rowing boats or kayaks.

We also have wireless Internet access.

The Church of Kökar together with the ruins of a medieval Franciscan monastery are situated close to us, only 2 kilometres north from us. A 7 kilometre long nature trail begins only 1 kilometre from away. The path leads you to the historic Bronze Age settlement called Otterböte and to see some of the finest rock formations and views in the whole island.

The museum of Kökar can be found in Hälsö village.

Don't forget to try the sauna! We have two saunas right by the sea, they offer an unforgettable experience, with a dip to the see of course!

Sjöbjörnen bistro offers breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee, ice cream, cakes and good company daily between 9 am - 10 pm.


Map of Sandvik

Latest news


Distansjobbpaket är här igen! Kom till den fina naturen i Kökar. Från söndag till söndag stuga, cykel, bastu 160€! Ta kontakt.

Nu finns Ålandstrafikens turlistor för 2025 se här (södra linjen)

År 2025

Vi Öppnar 1.4 och stänger den 30.10

Welcome to Sandvik!

Att boka en stuga är nu möjligt via vår onlinetjänst .


Distance table

Färjhamnen 3 km
Butik, post   4 km
Kökars kyrka 1 km
Otterbötes bronsåldersboplats 1 km
